Victor Mwenda

I'm a


Software Engineer with over five years of experience in back end development and leading product cycle from conception to completion. Guided a team of 5-10 members through 3+ product launches at a recent experience in a high growth technology startup.




Professional Experience

Android Terminals Engineer

December 2021 - present

SaltPay, Porto, Portugal

  • Developing Android applications for payment terminals across Europe with Kotlin and Java.

Software Engineer

March 2021 - November 2021

Safaricom PLC, Nairobi, Kenya

  • Designed and developed a dynamic USSD platform for purchasing mobile data on the *544# menu which processes requests from over 20 million subscribers daily with Java Spring WebFlux.
  • Developed customized mobile data and voice offers for existing and new customers increasing our daily revenue by over 11%.
  • Developed custom API integrations with TIBCO and Java Spring; for existing and new partners which led to increased revenues while increasing our customer base..
  • Developing TIBCO services for integration with target systems for care initiatives. Testing and debugging of services.

Technical Lead

Aug 2020 - February 2021

SmartCodes, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

  • Led the redesign and redevelopment of our flagship product M-paper. Redeveloped the back-end from legacy PHP 5.0 to Laravel 7. Achieved system stability and provided a platform for partner integrations i.e Ezy-Gazeti.
  • Managed the design and development of SuperStore, an E-commerce application for Fast Moving Consumer Goods, built for web(Laravel and Vue) and mobile apps both Android and iOS(Flutter).
  • Collaborated in the design and development of the newspaper Android application,Ezy-Gazeti. This increased our presence in Zanzibar, making it easy for customers to buy and read Newspapers on the go.
  • Worked on Kwanza, a real-time advertising platform for digital marketing, first locally built in Tanzania. Built on Java Spring and Laravel for the back-end, React for the front-end, and scaled via Docker containers and Kubernetes. This created a new revenue channel for the business and cemented SmartCodes' status in digital marketing.
  • Worked on a ride-sharing app for customers in Dar-es-Salaam. Built the back-end with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.

Senior Software Developer

Nov 2019 - July 2019

PixelEdge, Northampton, Massachusetts, United States

  • Worked on Pixeledge multi-tenancy administration dashboard. Built the front-end with JQuery/React and back-end API with Laravel.
  • Developed custom API integrations for client integrations with Laravel.
  • Reviewed software requirements and prepared test scenarios and test procedures. Created PHP unit tests and Postman API tests with JavaScript.

Senior Software Developer

Jan 2019 - Nov 2019

MobiGlobe Limited, Nairobi, Kenya

  • Worked on MediaPal, real-time bidding, and advertising system for digital marketing, first locally developed in Kenya, creating a new revenue stream for the start-up. Built on Java Spring and Laravel for the back-end, Vue for the front-end and scaled via Docker and Kubernetes.
  • MediaPal wins most disruptive marketing award.
  • Worked on MediaPal's demand-side platform built with Laravel and developed custom API integrations for integrating with server-side platforms.

Software Developer

Oct 2018 - Dec 2018

Nano Digital, Nairobi, Kenya

  • Developed, designed, and tested our USSD application which currently has over 2000 subscribers. Built the PHP back-end.
  • Assisted in setting up the web application, built on Yii PHP framework, for seamless user experience and navigation for users coming from the USSD platform.
  • Worked on API integrations, most notably integrating with M-Pesa payments APIs for fast and secure payments.


  • App
  • Web


KamiLimu Mentee

Accepted into KamiLimu Mentorship Program

Google Africa Scholarship

Google's scholarship for learning how to build Android Applications

IBM Mobile Application Developer

IBM Award for Mastering mobile applications



Nairobi, Kenya

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